Sunday, September 26, 2010

Slow Cooker Pulled Chicken Sandwich In a Homemade BBQ sauce :)

So this doesnt really count as a Recipe cause I dont have any measurements, but I was so proud of myself for making something without a recipe that actually tasted so good I HAD to share it!

This is 1 lb of boneless skinless chicken breast, in a slow cooker for 1.5 hours with, ketchup, diet coca cola, red chili powder, agave nectar, ragu pasta sauce (original), soya sauce, worcestershire sauce, salt pepper, garlic... i think thats it, but i may have thrown in some other random stuff I found in my kitchen.

Put it all in, let cook, and then shred it with two forks and serve in a bun with romaine lettuce, arugula, and some creamy havarti cheese. 

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